so... what's the fuss all about?
what makes jazler24 so special
Well... its all about the music!
But music, is not only what you play, but also, the way you play it! The most easy thing is to load a folder of songs into your media player playlist and let it randomly play songs all throughout the day. This is not enough anymore...
Yes, but what happens when I want different music in the morning
or evening?
We don't think your simple media player will be able to play different music in
the morning, different music in the evening and different music in the night,
except if you have made a reeealy big playlist and have calculated what plays
when.... or traditionally you would go to the media player and load a different
folder when time comes....
You cannot do this all the time! We are sure you have better
things to do.
This is why we created jazler24, so you can load your music folders, program
them when to play (on a weekly basis) and forget it. Jazler wil play your music
with the best possible combination of songs, selection of genres/categories, fix
the songs volume and try not to play the same artist for as long as it thinks
it's appropriate. It will also mix the songs in a radio-like way so there are no
gaps between them. It will be your personal radio station without
let's go into the technical stuff
more details on some of the features of jazler24
jazler24 does not have a traditional database. It is
based on the folders you have in your windows system!
You just select the folders you want Jazler24 to ”watch” at and Jazler24 will
project these folders as song categories. Every change you make to your folders,
will automaticaly be reflected in the Jazler music database.
Encrypt your audio files As a music provider you can now encrypt your audio files to be sure that your files won't be accessible to other players. Contact us for more information.
Schedule the music folders you want to hear throughout the
day and week. Jazler24 is based on ‘time shifts’.
In every time shift you create, you can specify what folders will play, and in
what sequence. Jazler24 will also state in text the music will be heard in this
specific time shift.

Do your songs have different volume levels? Not anymore! The intellivolume feature of
Jazler24 will try to play the songs at a stable volume level. It will analyze
the song while it’s being played and will adjust it to the right level, loud and
clear, without the compression effect of a traditional compressor-limiter.

When idle, a big title displaying the current song playing
is shown in the center of the screen. Jazler24 checks out to see
if you are using the computer. If not, every time a new song begins, Jazler24
will show you a big title with the new song for 10 seconds. If the mp3 playing
has the album photo embedded, it will show that too!

What happens when in some time of the day, you don't want
to hear the auto program, but you want to hear a specific music folder?
For this reason we introduce
the brand new semi-auto function. You can assign the F2 to F12 buttons of your
keyboard to different folders and sequences and call them whenever you want.
When you want to go back to the scheduled program, just press F1.
Jazler24 gives you the choice to assign sequences of folders to each F key, so
you can play whatever you want, whenever you want!

Programmed Silence!
Open places, shopping malls,
squares, hotels, organized beaches, resorts, parks need automated silence when
they are closed or in hours of public silence. Jazler helps on this problem with
the programmed silence function, so you won’t worry every time you have to turn
it on or off again!

Detailed logging of what has played, and logging of the
user actions, so you can explain “unexplained phenomena”! Jazler24 saves the whole
playlist in text files, organized by month, throughout the day, so you can know,
what played and when! You can also change the logging format to your own needs.
Jazler also logs down (optionally) all user actions (buttons pushed, songs
removed or skipped etc.) so you can find out what happened when you were away
and someone complained about bad song selection!

Find the song you want to play, in seconds! Search for the title, the
album or the artist typing only its initials. Jazler will automatically filter
and present to you the results in milliseconds!
download the jazler24 pdf
if you want to have the features of Jazler24 printed down or
to show them to your friends or someone else who might be interested then click
here to download our brochure!
download the jazler24 press
This is a zip file that contains everything needed to document
on Jazler24, a PDF Brochure with all the features, and a folder with various
screenshots of Jazler24. cLICK